Saturday, February 10, 2007

Inside the Box: LW's Revis Stone

As you can see I didn't quite capture the width and taper the pattern calls for. I had to substitute a few materials again for those I had on hand. The biots and case are from a goose feather I picked up in the back yard this past summer. The goose feather lacked the length of the mature turkey feather so I had to use four different case sections to complete the fly. I didn't have any black wool yarn so I dubbed the
body. I think its one of the reasons I did not get the width I desired. Additionally, the lead wire I worked with was of a smaller diameter then I would have liked. I could also use a bit of work on the placement and proportion of the case. I'm fairly satisfied for a first swing at it. I'll have to make a run to the fly shop tomorrow to get the proper materials to make the next few perfect.

Another great LW tutorial

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