Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Inside The Box: Great Lakes Spider Spey

Great Lakes Spider Spey

The spider style wet fly has been around for nearly 200 years, reincarnated many times over, and fooled trout world wide. Pacific Northwest fly tiers like Randall Kaufmann, Ed Hass, Syd Glasso, and Walt Johnson often incorporated this style in their region specific patterns designed for steelhead. This dressing is best tied simple in construction but bold in color. Color combinations are only limited by imagination and available materials.

Hook: Daiichi 2052 Salmon Size 5
Tail: Krystal Flash
Tag: Krystal Flash
Cheek: STS Trilobal Salmon Dubbing
Shoulder: Flashabou Dubbing
Hackle: Strung Guinea
Head: Black 8/0

Comments on "Inside The Box: Great Lakes Spider Spey"


Blogger Dave Homrok said ... (9:11 PM) : 

nice to see a resurgence in your blog... keep it up! I'm not a spey man (yet), but those are beautiful ties. Thanks for sharing.


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