Sunday, September 02, 2007

Swingin the Double O

I spent the first few hrs of daylight prospecting on Oak Orchard Creek in Orleans County. There weren't any posted signs on either side of the bank in the area of the contested land dispute. Its been reported by a senior LOSA member that "Orleans Co. reached a multi-year lease agreement with the landowner who had posted up sections of the creek. With in the next couple weeks all posted signs and wires across the stream will be removed and access will be open to the public."

No signs of Salmonids. Water was at 72 degrees. There were a few small bass around.

Orleans Outdoors reports that a recent cold water upwelling pushed some salmon into the river mouth and charter captains have been targeting inshore areas with great success. A large rain event may provide enough encouragement for a early run.

Comments on "Swingin the Double O"


Blogger Ryan said ... (8:32 PM) : 

Nice video, too bad there was no action shots but a sweet video regardless. Hopefully its only a shorts ways away.


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