Friday, December 15, 2006

Conservation News: "Fish of Kings"

It’s a feat not accomplished in the state of Maine since 1999. The first sea run Atlantic salmon hooked and released by 22 year old Beau Peavey of Glenburn on the Penobscot River marks the possible rebound of a struggling fishery.

As a result of dam construction, paper mill pollution, escaped farm fish and commercial fishing the east cost's Atlantic salmon run has been reduced to a trickle and Maine's Atlantic salmon have been placed on the endangered species list. Since 2003 a slight glimmer of hope has been established on the Penobscot. About 1000 returning salmon have been counted at the Veazie dam annually; prompting the state of Maine to open its first catch and release salmon season in seven years.

On September 22nd, Beau Peavey landed a 12 pound salmon, Penobscot's first legal salmon angled since restoration efforts have begun. Peavey said it was not the only Atlantic hooked this season but it was the first to come to hand. It took him more than 60hrs of hard fishing to catch and release his trophy.

Comments on "Conservation News: "Fish of Kings""


Blogger Dejon Hamann said ... (1:45 PM) : 

That's a neat story. The only sad/ironic part is looking at the way he's gripping that fish's gills that particular specimen won't last long.


Blogger DreamsOfSteel said ... (2:06 PM) : 

yea I know man....luckily that is just some google stock image and not the actual Atlantic salmon that the story revolves around. I would love to head out there next year for a week and camp to fish this run. Out of state Maine Atlantic Salmon licenses are only $30.


Blogger DreamsOfSteel said ... (2:07 PM) : 

ohh and I'm pretty sure that photo has been photoshoped.


Blogger Dejon Hamann said ... (2:59 AM) : 

Croc and our friend John have already dropped the idea several times! I'm in comeplete agreement. Let's start setting it up!


Blogger DreamsOfSteel said ... (11:31 AM) : 



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